Newstart HCS Services
The HCS Program provides individualized services and supports to persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities who are living with their family, in their own home, or in other community settings, such as small group homes.
- Case management
- Adaptive aids
- Minor home modifications
- Counseling and therapies (includes audiology, speech/language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, dietary services, social work, and psychology)
- Dental treatment
- Nursing
- HCS Group Homes
- Residential assistance
- Supported home living
- Foster/companion care
- Supervised living
- Residential support
- Respite
- Day habilitation
- Supported employment
Eligibility Requirements
- No age limit.
- Not be enrolled in another Medicaid waiver program.
- Have had a determination of mental retardation made in accordance with state law or have been diagnosed by a physician as having a related condition.
- Have chosen the HCS Program over the ICF/MR Program.