Newstart ICF-MR

There are currently five ICF/MR homes serving six individuals each. Individuals served in the program must have a primary diagnosis of intellectual or developmental disabilities or related condition and be eligible for Medicaid. Admissions are dependent upon bed availability. The program emphasizes positive behaviors in a homelike setting. There is an emphasis on developing self-help, safety and appropriate social skills.

Attractive Suburban Homes
Food - Well Planned Menus & Special Diets
Comprehensive Assessment And Planning Of Individual Programs
6 Hours, 5 Days / Week Day Habilitation Services Where We Teach People, Arts & Crafts and Job Skills.
Dental Services
Speech, Audiology, Therapy, Physical
Optometric Services

The ICF - MR homes are highly regulated facilities, which are intended to provide a very structured learning environment, where folks can maximize their skills. This type of environment helps prepare the client for a more individualized service plan, such as offered through the HCS Program.

© 2008 Newstart, Inc Fort Worth, TX